Together we can save thousands of lives every year.

Since 2012 we’ve worked on impactful collaborations to reach millions of people with life-saving information, support tens of thousands of families, and deliver education and clinical tools to improve sepsis diagnosis and treatment.
Yet with 48,000 deaths from sepsis every year in the UK and 60,000 survivors experiencing life-altering challenges, there’s much still to do. We’re as determined as ever, but with a small core team and no government funding, collaboration with passionate, creative, like-minded organisations is critical to our success.
Our lead charity partner Iceland Foods & Iceland Charitable foundation provided funding to help us develop and disseminate our Sepsis Savvy resources, which have been adapted for use in schools and the farming community, as well as your business – free of charge! They also put our messaging on 10 million milk cartons, helping to reach customers across the country with life-saving information.
For World Sepsis Day 2023, AVIVA lit up their offices in four locations with our life-saving messaging. They also created a dedicated intranet page for staff to learn more about the condition, helping to share their employees’ sepsis experiences to help bring home the real human impact of this condition.
Mott Macdonald ran a steps competition that helped raise funds for our vital cause in September 2023 for sepsis awareness month. Not only did the teams really enjoy a bit of healthy competition, but they learnt more about sepsis in the process – including how it had affected members of their own workforce.
Why partner with UKST?
Sepsis affects 245,000 people in the UK each year, which means that many of your employees will have been affected by the condition. We’re the only charity who provides free nurse-led support to people recovering from sepsis, who may face huge challenges as they attempt to return to work.
By partnering with us you can help protect the health and wellbeing of your employees, creating a safe and supportive environment wherein anyone affected by sepsis feels that they can be open and honest about their experience. That might be processing a sepsis bereavement – with 5 lives claimed by the condition every hour in the UK – or dealing with a return to work while struggling with Post Sepsis Syndrome symptoms such as fatigue or brain fog.
We offer a flexible partnership programme with a range of commitments, depending on the size of your organisation and the time you have available.

Charity collaborations
We work with a range of organisations to help raise awareness among groups that are more at-risk of sepsis. If you’d like to discuss a charity partnership, get in touch:
We’ve worked with Kidney Care UK to develop a landing page on sepsis and produce patient case studies, podcasts and magazine articles highlighting the links between Chronic Kidney Disease, acute kidney injury, and sepsis.
Martin Hibbert was the closest person to the 2017 Manchester arena terrorist bomb to survive. His spine was severed by shrapnel, leaving him with a T10 complete spinal cord injury – which has caused complications including sepsis. He was therefore uniquely placed to highlight the links between spinal cord injuries and sepsis, contributing to our Sepsis Voices campaign as part of a partnership with the Spinal Cord Injury Association.

Ways we can work together
All our partnerships are unique and we believe the best way to explore how you can join our fight against sepsis is to talk to us:
But if you’re keen to get started in supporting our mission, here are some really simply things you can do in the meantime:
- Sign up to Sepsis Savvy (organisations and schools)
- Arrange a free sepsis awareness session for your staff:
- Share the signs of sepsis on your digital channels
- Organise a team fundraising event
- Make a donation
- Select UK Sepsis Trust as your chosen charity when you buy via easyfundraising
- Donate though a gift in kind e.g. advertising credits
- Share your skills/expertise
Here are some other ways we could collaborate, where we’d recommend getting in touch to discuss the details:
- Co-branding
- Make us your charity of the year
- Project opportunities e.g. creating an industry specific awareness campaign
- Pro-bono campaign development