Paediatric Hospice Care Children Under 5
Our tools are available as static resources, or customisable tools where you can add your own trust logo and hospital name.
If you download the static resources in place of customisable ones, we strongly recommend that you check back for regular updates.
Our clinical tools have not been produced by NICE and are not maintained by NICE. NICE has not made any judgement about the quality and usability of the resources. In the event of any issues or errors, please contact us.
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If you wish to make further amends to these toolkits beyond the editable fields, then please get in touch with us to discuss any bespoke requests.
How to use our tools
Where senior clinical input is available, experienced clinical judgement should trump any clinical tool. These tools are designed to responsibly empower less experienced health professionals to act when presented with a patient with evidence of physiological derangement in the context of infection. Remember, if your clinical judgement is telling you that the tool is reaching the wrong conclusion, trust your instinct and ask a senior colleague.

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Get Sepsis Savvy
Knowing the signs of sepsis can help save lives. Test the knowledge you’ve acquired on this page by watching a short video and playing our game.
Sepsis support
If you or someone you love has been affected by sepsis, our trained Support Nurses are here for you.
Order sepsis resources
We have a range of sepsis resources including posters and leaflets that you can order via our shop and display to help raise awareness of this silent killer.