Samar’s Story

Samar’s Story

It’s a phone call that will haunt me for the rest of my life. It was the hospital consultant, calling to tell me that my 6 day old son’s heart was failing, and they needed to start chest compressions. Even though I remember that phone call so clearly, I can only...
William’s Story

William’s Story

Let me introduce you to William Despite passing away from sepsis at the tender age of 12 months, William’s life lives on in those children that he has saved and continues to save, by the strength he has given me to campaign for awareness. I never knew such a little...
Sam’s Story

Sam’s Story

When my three-year-old son Sam came down with flu-like symptoms the week before Christmas I wasn’t overly concerned as he was still behaving as I’d expect he would when ill. But the morning of 22 December was different. He didn’t perk up as normal after medicine. He...